The Daily Word of Righteousness

What's Going On?

By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. (Hebrews 11:8)

Abraham lived in the land of Canaan as a pilgrim. He could have afforded to build a palace but he chose to live in a tent. Yet, Canaan was to be given to him as an inheritance.

So it is with us. We are living on the earth and are supposed to be a pilgrim. We have been called of God but we don't know where we are going.

This world is not our home. We understand this. We are not supposed to act as though it is and invest all of our time, effort, and affection in it.

It is true, however, that the earth one day will be given to us as an inheritance.

What, then, is going on? Why doesn't God just give it to us instead of testing us, testing us, testing us?

The answer is, God wants to see what kind of person we are before He gives us Paradise on the earth.

Abraham was tested severely in the case of Isaac, both as to his birth and later on Mount Moriah. Why did Abraham and Sarah have to suffer such deferrals of pleasure everyone else was receiving? They were both righteous. Why couldn't they have children like all their slaves?

The reason was, God wanted to see what kind of people they were before He entrusted them with the permanent possession of the earth.

You may notice that when Abraham was about to kill Isaac, God said, "Now I know that you fear God."

Think about this statement. Doesn't God know everything from the foundation of the world? Yes, and no. Maybe God did know that Abraham feared God but it had to be established by Abraham's decision.

The present world is a proving ground, a place of testing. It is a probationary period. Every decision you and I make is influencing our eternal destiny.

The new world that is coming is eternal. We will live on a new earth that lacks nothing we ever could desire. Our love, joy, and peace will be so superior to anything we can imagine that there is no comparison with our present life.

But now is the hour of testing. Now is the one opportunity in all of eternity that we can demonstrate to God whether we fear God, whether we have integrity, what we would do with unlimited power, how we would behave were we returned to Paradise.

The biggest mistake any individual can make is to view the present life as all there is and to clutch the things of the world without regard to God's commandments or the welfare of other people, especially of those dependent on him or her.

Rather, view the present life as a kind of "Mission Impossible" in which situations are contrived to test your character.

Always act with integrity. Put God and others first in importance when you make your decisions. Keep in mind that God is watching to see how you behave under pressure, especially how selfish you are.

You have all of eternity to enjoy yourself. Now is the time to show what you're made of.