The Daily Word of Righteousness


Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.(Ephesians 4:25)

Nothing in America costs one hundred dollars. It may cost $99.99 but never one hundred dollars. Maybe this is true throughout the world.

No business would advertise an item at one hundred dollars because shoppers would drive across town in their Cadillac to get the same thing at $99.99. They are not willing to pay a hundred dollars but they will chip off $99.99.

Houses sell for $199,999.99 because a lot of people will not buy a house that costs $200,000.

The merchants are so caught up in their own deceit they state during a sale they will take $14.99 of an item.

Satan has injured the heel of people. We cannot stand upright. Everything is devious, slippery, a con. We used to talk of propaganda, and then image. Now it is spin. Put the right spin on it, never mind the facts.

Present the image. Keep people from seeing what is in front of them.

Aren't you sick of it? It is enough to make one vomit (Old English, puke).

Everything is image and spin. Banks are built to look rocklike, solid, eternal. But in my wife's geology class they taught that some rock is slippery and you shouldn't build on it.

"You deserve a vacation. We have designed this just for you. We love you."

A fool and his money are soon parted—they don't tell you that.

Most of the words that come to us though the media are intended to persuade, to alter our perception. It is one huge lie. The whole country is a bunch of liars. Even in the churches sometimes.

I don't fret myself about the lack of truth. We are commanded not to fret. One of the big problems of the endtime will be keeping our minds on the things that are pure and lovely. Fretting kills your relationship with Christ!

There is a Rock! His name is Jesus Christ. He not only tells the truth, He Himself is Truth.

Truth doesn't answer the question where is it, what does it look like, how much does it weigh, when did it happen.

Truth answers the question, What does it mean? You will get more truth on your knees in prayer than you ever will watching the television. If you want the eleven o'clock news pray at eleven o'clock.

Only Jesus Christ can tell us what a given thing or situation means. He Himself is the Rock of eternity and He isn't slippery. Do what He says and your house is on the Rock.

If it were not for Jesus Christ I would buy a cabin in the Canadian wilderness and hide there with my wife. At least the animals and fish tell the truth. Even there the satellites will find you and tell you it is only $99.99. But I still wouldn't fret about it.

Because of Jesus Christ, I can relate to God in truth. No con.

God is a fire. His eyes are fire. He burns away the chaff. He demands truth in the inward parts. You can't relate to God with theology but with fire and the blood of His Son.

Maybe you are going through a season of judgment at this time. Jacob will change to Israel if you don't let go of God. Stay with Him until He puts truth in you. Then stand up straight and tell the truth. It doesn't require many words.

If we boycotted every store in the nation that uses the $.99 gimmick we would have to return to the barter system. Even then we would have to pay $9,999.99 income tax.

Get me my lantern!