The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Fullness of God

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. (Ephesians 3:19)

Seven feasts of the Lord are set forth in the Book of Leviticus. Each of these seven feasts has a kingdom-wide fulfillment and each has a personal fulfillment in the life of the believer. The personal, spiritual fulfillment of the first four feasts are preparatory works. The last three feasts must be fulfilled in us before we are prepared to meet the Lord when He appears and to rule with Him over the nations of the earth. The spiritual fulfillment of the last three feasts is the coming of the Kingdom of God to us.

Passover (Leviticus 23:5).

Unleavened Bread (23:6).

Firstfruits (23:10).

Pentecost (23:16).

Trumpets (23:24).

Day of Atonement (23:27).

Tabernacles (23:34).

Each of these seven feasts has a kingdom-wide fulfillment and each has a personal, spiritual fulfillment in the life of the believer.

The feast of Passover was fulfilled on the kingdom-wide scale when the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary.

The feast of Passover is fulfilled in the personal sense when an individual puts his faith in the blood of the Lamb of God.

The Passover blood of the cross is God's covenant with us that we shall not be destroyed when God's wrath falls on Satan—the God of the present age.

The feast of Unleavened Bread was fulfilled on the kingdom-wide scale when Jesus descended into Hell, bearing on Himself the sins of the world.

The feast of Unleavened Bread is fulfilled in the personal sense when the believer in Christ repents of his sin and is baptized in water.

As the Lord helps us we sweep out of our lives the leaven of malice and wickedness and receive into ourselves the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

The feast of Firstfruits was fulfilled on the kingdom-wide scale when the Lord Jesus rose from the cave of Joseph of Arimathea on the third day.

The feast of Firstfruits is fulfilled in personal experience as we come up out of the waters of baptism and are born again.

Christ is the firstfruits from the dead. By faith we die with Him and come up from the waters of baptism into newness of life, being born-again from the dead.

The feast of Pentecost was fulfilled on the kingdom-wide scale when the Holy Spirit fell as tongues of fire on the assembled apostles and disciples.

The feast of Pentecost is fulfilled in us when we are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Many today speak in tongues and find this to be helpful in following Christ. Speaking in tongues certainly is a scriptural experience.

The spiritual fulfillment of the remaining three feasts may not be as familiar to the reader as is true of the first four. We shall present our understanding of the kingdom-wide fulfillment of the last three, and then follow with the personal fulfillment.

The kingdom-wide fulfillment of the blowing of Trumpets will take place when the seven trumpets of the Book of Revelation are blown (Revelation, Chapters 8 through 11).

When the last of the seven trumpets sounds the Lord Jesus will return from Heaven. He then will take to Himself His Kingdom and the saints will be changed from mortality into immortality (I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 11:15; I Corinthians 15:52).

To be continued.