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The Daily Word of Righteousness
The Time Is At Hand, #5
He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. (Acts 3:21—NIV)
The Time Is At Hand
It is my point of view that we are in a period of forward movement in the Kingdom of God, a greater dispensation of Divine grace than we have known.
If we consider the record of the Bible we can see there are specific events that took place with specific people at specific times. No matter how much we wish we could have been there to participate in that event, it was limited to a chosen population.
If I am not mistaken, there is coming a revelation of Christ in His people that has not occurred previously.
I am not speaking of the latter-rain revival. The latter-rain revival, which is upon us even now, will grow until many—perhaps a majority—of earth's people will make a profession of Jesus Christ. This harvest revival will be that of the outpouring of God's Spirit on believers, as has been true of revivals of the past, so they may bear witness of Christ to earth's multitudes.
Neither am I referring to the manifestation of the sons of God that will take place when the Lord Jesus descends with His saints, releases the creation from the bondage of evil, and installs the Kingdom of God on the earth.
Rather I am pointing toward a revelation of Christ from within His people that will challenge the forces of Hell on the earth.
Maybe my wife Audrey and I will be privileged to participate in this unprecedented outpouring of Divine grace. Perhaps not because of our age at this time. But we will continue to lay as much groundwork of the Word and of faith as we can so when the generation does appear that God has assigned to this massive expression of Christ in His people there will be a background of faith and teaching ready for them.
Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD: (Psalms 102:18—NIV)
Specific events; specific time periods; specific people
How would you like to have been one of the elders who went up on the mountain with Moses and saw the God of Israel?
This experience was limited to a chosen few.
What about being in the house of Mary and Martha when Jesus was there?
I would like to have heard the Apostle Paul teach. Wouldn't you?
The names of the Apostles of the Lamb are forever engraved in the foundation of the wall of the new Jerusalem, and the names of the twelve sons of Jacob are forever inscribed on the gates of the new Jerusalem.
How would you like to have been with Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration?
What if you were one of those entrusted to write holy Scripture?
We see therefore that in the Kingdom of God there are specific events that take place during specific time periods and that include specific people. Those events will never be repeated. Those chosen to participate will always be the only ones so blessed.
To be continued.