The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Will of God, #2

Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have pierced; burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require. Then I said, "Here I am, I have come—it is written about me in the scroll. I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart." (Psalms 40:6-8)

There is only one legitimate will in the universe: the will of God.

The Lord Jesus has come to do God's will in the midst of the rebellious creatures of the earth. Jesus is the Logos, the Word of God, made flesh.

God now wants more sons, more words made flesh, more logoses, I guess you would spell it. God is so pleased with the original Logos that God wants Him reproduced. Yet God wants the new logoses to be as branches growing out of the original Logos so there always is the one Logos, but now reproduced in a number of persons.

There is a tendency today for believers to want the power of Christ. We should not be seeking the power of Christ but the Person of Christ. Paul did not seek the power of Christ but the Person of Christ.

I cannot express too strongly that we are not to become another christ. To seek the power of Christ apart from being one with Christ is to become part of the False Prophet.

The Kingdom of God, as I said, is the doing of God's will. We are drawing near to the coming of the Kingdom to the earth. Therefore we Christians must learn to do God's will at all times, in every circumstance.

Let us think for a moment about what is involved in the doing of God's will.

God's will was expressed under the old covenant in two major ways. God's will was expressed through the commandments and exhortations found in the Old Testament—particularly those of the Law of Moses.

Also, God's will was expressed through directions addressed personally to an individual.

Commandments and exhortations found in the Old Testament.

Directions addressed personally to an individual.

Most of us know about the various commandments and exhortations found in the Old Testament, in the history of the patriarchs; in the Law of Moses; and in the writings of the Hebrew Prophets.

In addition there are numerous examples of God's direction addressed personally to individuals. God spoke clearly to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as to the leaders of the Israelites. God directed Moses, Joshua, and Samuel. We all know of God's orders given to Jonah, and how Jonah disobeyed the Lord.

Abraham is an example of obedience to a personal command from God. To the best of our knowledge, Abraham's obedience in the matter of the sacrifice of Isaac has been surpassed only by the Lord's willingness, in the Garden of Gethsemane, to die for the sins of mankind.

To be continued.